Sunday 13 August 2017




Psoriasis treatment in homeopathy is possible

Homeopathy for psoriasis will work but slowly over months and years

Psoriasis cure in homeopathy is completely possible

Homoeopathic medicine for psoriasis will do wonders without side-effects

Homeopathy given for psoriatic lesion pains pain will show gradual improvement and not sudden but without side-effects so its more advisable to take homeopathy and not just pain killers.

Treatment of any kind of psoriasis in homeopathy will do wonders for you but in long term especially when a constitutional remedy is selected.

Psoriasis homeopathic treatments are easy but only in the hands of an expert. Don’t fall for commercial chains of homeopathic clinics promising you the sky. Always look for homeopaths with MD degree and not just BHMS or LCEH

Now the NOT so GOOD news:

There are several forms of Homeopathy practised around the world.

Polypharmacy: where several remedies or a combination of remedies is given to the patient in repeated doses. The outcome of which is extremely poor.

Classical homeopathy: where a single dose of a single remedy is given and will give you the best results. But please make sure that your homeopath is not giving you and charging for placebo.

Symptom specific treatments: where only the symptoms or the effects of autism are treated. This will also give very poor results. This is also called HOMEO-ALLOPATHY.

Classical homeopathy has been used with some success to alleviate symptoms, both mental and physical, or to cure individuals with psoriasis. For many people who have seen a large overall improvement in their psoriasis, homeopathy has played a major role.

Dr. Khedekar explains treatment of psoriasis on National TV (Marathi)


Simple proliferation on the skin

Psoriasis with thickening or with induration forming scales

Psoriasis with cracks that bleed

Each of these should be tackled according to the mental and physical make-up of the patients and not just the form of lesions.

Also its most important to understand the cause of eczema which is usually in the mind that has been triggered by an environmental stressor on the mind.

The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it’s thought to be linked to an overactive response by the body’s immune system to an irritant. It is this response that causes the symptoms of psoriasis. In addition, psoriasis is commonly found in families with a history of other allergies or asthma. Emotional stress is known to be associated with psoriasis, but we are not exactly sure why. Some people’s eczema symptoms get worse when they’re feeling “stressed”. Others may become stressed, just knowing they have psoriasis, and this can make their skin flare up.


Illustration showing how psoriasis develops


The cause of psoriasis isn’t fully understood, but it’s thought to be related to an immune system problem with T cells and other white blood cells, called neutrophils, in your body.

T cells normally travel through the body to defend against foreign substances, such as viruses or bacteria.

But if you have psoriasis, the T cells attack healthy skin cells by mistake, as if to heal a wound or to fight an infection.

Overactive T cells also trigger increased production of healthy skin cells, more T cells and other white blood cells, especially neutrophils. These travel into the skin causing redness and sometimes pus in pustular lesions. Dilated blood vessels in psoriasis-affected areas create warmth and redness in the skin lesions.

The process becomes an ongoing cycle in which new skin cells move to the outermost layer of skin too quickly — in days rather than weeks. Skin cells build up in thick, scaly patches on the skin’s surface, continuing until treatment stops the cycle.

Just what causes T cells to malfunction in people with psoriasis isn’t entirely clear. Researchers believe both genetics and environmental factors play a role.


Psoriasis typically starts or worsens because of a trigger that you may be able to identify and avoid. Factors that may trigger psoriasis include:

Infections, such as strep throat or skin infections

Injury to the skin, such as a cut or scrape, a bug bite, or a severe sunburn



Heavy alcohol consumption

Vitamin D deficiency

Certain medications — including lithium, which is prescribed for bipolar disorder, high blood pressure medications such as beta blockers, antimalarial drugs, and iodides


Anyone can develop psoriasis, but these factors can increase your risk of developing the disease:

Family history. This is one of the most significant risk factors. Having one parent with psoriasis increases your risk of getting the disease, and having two parents with psoriasis increases your risk even more.

Viral and bacterial infections. People with HIV are more likely to develop psoriasis than people with healthy immune systems are. Children and young adults with recurring infections, particularly strep throat, also may be at increased risk.

Stress. Because stress can impact your immune system, high stress levels may increase your risk of psoriasis.

Obesity. Excess weight increases the risk of psoriasis. Lesions (plaques) associated with all types of psoriasis often develop in skin creases and folds.

Smoking. Smoking tobacco not only increases your risk of psoriasis but also may increase the severity of the disease. Smoking may also play a role in the initial development of the disease.


If you have psoriasis, you’re at greater risk of developing certain diseases. These include:

Psoriatic arthritis. This complication of psoriasis can cause joint damage and a loss of function in some joints, which can be debilitating.

Eye conditions. Certain eye disorders — such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis and uveitis — are more common in people with psoriasis.

Obesity. People with psoriasis, especially those with more severe disease, are more likely to be obese. It’s not clear how these diseases are linked, however. The inflammation linked to obesity may play a role in the development of psoriasis. Or it may be that people with psoriasis are more likely to gain weight, possibly because they’re less active because of their psoriasis.

Type 2 diabetes. The risk of type 2 diabetes rises in people with psoriasis. The more severe the psoriasis, the greater the likelihood of type 2 diabetes.

High blood pressure. The odds of having high blood pressure are higher for people with psoriasis.

Cardiovascular disease. For people with psoriasis, the risk of cardiovascular disease is twice as high as it is for those without the disease. Psoriasis and some treatments also increase the risk of irregular heartbeat, stroke, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis.

Metabolic syndrome. This cluster of conditions — including high blood pressure, elevated insulin levels and abnormal cholesterol levels — increases your risk of heart disease.

Other autoimmune diseases. Celiac disease, sclerosis and the inflammatory bowel disease called Crohn’s disease are more likely to strike people with psoriasis.

Parkinson’s disease. This chronic neurological condition is more likely to occur in people with psoriasis.

Kidney disease. Moderate to severe psoriasis has been linked to a higher risk of kidney disease.

Emotional problems. Psoriasis can also affect your quality of life. Psoriasis is associated with low self-esteem and depression. You may also withdraw socially.


Your first consultation with a private homeopath will usually cost between INR 500 to INR 10,000. Further appointments usually cost less – about INR 500 to INR 5000 depending on the location of the place and experience of homeopath. It will also depend on the skill level of his staff or assistants who usually take the first case and prepare it for the main consultant.

Your remedy will usually be included in the consultation price, but do check this first. Homeopathic tablets or other products usually cost around INR 100 to INR500 if you need to buy them separately in India.

Imperial clinics Mumbai

Dr. Shreepad A. Khedekar, BHMS, MD (homeopathy), a specialist for over 17 years, he has used homeopathy in his Switzerland, Belgrade and Mumbai practice for the last 17 years. He lectures in homeopathy at Switzerland, Croatia and at the Serbian Doctors Association (SLD) Teaching Centre in Belgrade and has a busy private practice in Dadar, Mumbai and at Shushrusha Citizens co-operative hospital, Mumbai and is the only Homeopath in their 60 year history.

Dr. Shreepad Khedekar  is the Clinical Director, Imperial clinics Mumbai and Imperial clinics Belgrade, Consultant at Shushrusha Citizens Co-op Hospital Mumbai and Physician to several international stars and celebrities.

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